• Contact US

Contact Us

Use this form to connect with us about your project or if you have a simple question. We're quick to respond and happy to help! 

Project Consultation

Here's what you can expect if you're contacting us to request a project consultation. 

The first step in a restoration is to assess the site and consider the ecological and design factors. An experienced member of our team, trained in natural resources, will meet with you to develop a strategy for a successful project.

We then prepare an outline of recommended procedures and materials for you, along with associated costs. The service is available at a cost of $250 and will be applied towards the cost of the project if PRI provides the service. 

For projects that are beyond 50 miles from our nearest location, or projects that require landscape drawings, please contact us to discuss costs.

"The crew members were polite, accommodating, and competent. My calls were always promptly returned and my questions patiently answered. A pleasure to work with." 
​-Lynn J.

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