Weeds are a common problem when trying to get your restoration project established. It might seem like you’re fighting a never ending battle with them, but there is hope! By ensuring that you are using several grass species in your project will greatly help to prevent weeds from showing up. Native grasses differ from wildflowers in that they are much more competitive with weeds. We’ve listed a few of the reasons why below. Additionally, they also provide a number of other benefits, such as erosion control, improved water quality, and increased wildlife habitat.
Native grasses are great at growing fast and dense. This means that they will beat out the weeds for sunlight. Without sunlight, weeds have a very difficult time to take root and spread. This alone makes grasses an invaluable tool to keep weeds to a minimum in your restoration. Additionally, grasses can take up the nutrients and water that many weed species need to thrive. This also helps to reduce the opportunity of invasive weeds.
To put it simply, If you are looking for a way to reduce weeds in your landscape, consider including native grasses. They are a natural and effective way to control weeds and improve the overall health of your landscape!