Native Gardening in Urban Areas

What plants work well in urban areas?

There are many native plants in Minnesota that are well-suited for urban gardens or container gardening. Of course, when selecting native plants for your urban garden or container, consider the available space, light conditions, and other environmental factors to ensure that you choose plants that will thrive and bring beauty and biodiversity to your surroundings. Here are a few species that will work for urban gardens:

  • Campanula rotundifolia (Harebell)
  • Penstemon grandiflorus (Show penstemon)
  • Penstemon gracilis (Slender Beardtongue)
  • Liatris Aspera (Rough blazing star)
  • Liatris cylindrica (Cylindric blazing star)
  • Liatris ligulistylis (Meadow blazing star)
  • Liatris punctata (Dotted blazing star)
  • Liatris pycnostachya (Tall blazing star)
  •  Geum triflorum (Prairie smoke)
  • Lupinus perennis (Wild lupine)
  • Viola pedatifida (Prairie violet)
  • Viola pubescens (Yellow violet)
  • Viola sororia (Downy blue violet)
  • Allium stellatum (Prairie onion)
  • Fragaria virginiana (Wild strawberry)
  • Sporobolus heterolepis (Prairie dropseed)
  • Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge)
  • Carex gracillima (Graceful sedge)
  • Bouteloua hirsuta (Hairy grama)
  • Bouteloua gracilis (Blue grama)
  • Amelanchier humilis (Low serviceberry) 
Campanula rotundifolia (Harebell)
Liatris ligulistylus (Meadow blazing star)
Lupinus perennis (Wild lupine)
Carex gracilima (Graceful sedge)

Each of the listed species has its own unique growth characteristics such as height, spread, etc. so it is important to ensure that you are matching the right plants with the right space.