Anthoxanthum hirtum
Sweetgrass Description:
Anthoxanthum hirtum, commonly known as sweetgrass, typically grows between 16-36 inches tall and has a dense, tufted growth habit with fine, narrow leaves that are bright green in color. One of the distinctive features of this grass is its fragrant smell, which has been described as resembling the scent of fresh-cut hay or vanilla. This scent is most pronounced in early spring when the grass is actively growing.
Sweetgrass is often used in lawns, pastures, and meadows, and is also used as a forage grass for livestock. It is adapted to a range of soil types and moisture levels, and is often found in damp or moist habitats such as marshes, wet meadows, and along stream banks.
In addition to its practical uses, sweetgrass is also valued for its ornamental qualities. Its fine texture and bright green color make it an attractive addition to gardens and landscapes, and its fragrant smell adds to its appeal.
Native Range:
Sweetgrass is found from coast to coast in the United States with the exception of the Southeastern states. In Minnesota, Sweetgrass is prevalent throughout most of the state.
Standard Plant Information:
Plant height: 16" - 36" inches
Fruiting time: June - July
Preferred habitat: Does well in part shade to full sun and in moist to wet soil. Often found in marshes, sedge meadows, wet prairies, woodland edges, and wet ditches.
For most homeowners, the best option is to scatter seed on the ground by hand broadcasting at a minimum of 15-16 pls lbs per acre. For even coverage, we recommend that you broadcast seed in perpendicular rows across the site to ensure even coverage.
Simply dig a hole in the soil slightly larger than the plant’s roots. Ensure that the soil line of the plant is maintained during the transfer (i.e. the plant should be at the same level with the ground as it was in the pot). Pack any loose dirt back around the plant and make sure you water it well the same day to ensure it has the best chance of survival.
maps used with permission from MN Wildflowers